F-16A "Belgian Tiger"

by Dave Aungst




Anyone who has built the Hasegawa 1/48th scale F-16's can attest to the fact that they are very simple kits. They build easily. Having already built an out-of-the-box Hasegawa F-16 before, I decided to incorporate a significant number of after market details and scratch-built enhancements into this project.

I used Testors Model Master enamel paints exclusively for this project. The aircraft is finished in overall Neutral Gray (F.S.36270) with the forward portions of the airframe painted in Insignia Yellow (F.S.33538). In retrospect, after applying the decals, the yellow needed to be a slightly lighter shade. Perhaps cutting the Insignia Yellow with 25% white would have been better. By doing this, the orange/yellow shadowing on the black stripes would have been more prominent.

The model still looks good, and the orange/yellow shadowing of the black stripes is visible. It is just subtler than I have seen in pictures of the real aircraft.

A detailed Construction Feature about this model can be seen on HyperScale.


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Copyright © 2002 by David W. Aungst