Hold on to you seat sports fans, I am submitting a model that was
built straight from the box! I needed to do something simple
after a mammoth superdetailed P-47 project.

This was still no weekend project though, taking about 50 hours
from start to finish.
The model is Tamiya's 1/48 A-1J Skyraider. There is not much to
say about it.
I did borrow a napalm canister from the Hasegawa weapons set.
About the only other modification I made to the kit was punching out
the individual instruments from the decal and inserting them into
the panel. It gave a much neater appearance than applying the decal
ever could.
This kit has a bad flaw, a very flat dihedral, but I didn't catch
it until the wings were already on and the aircraft painted. Shame
on me. If you look at all the Spads in the HyperScale Gallery, every
one is flat except Franck Oudin's and he fixed his. Unfortunately,
the damage I would have to inflict on the model to remove the wing
and fix it just wasn't worth the effort.
I used the kit decals and Model Master enamels.
One odd thing about this particular aircraft was it had silver
wheels with a white axle cover (see reference photo above). That one is
bound to give the judges a fit!