Here's the latest off of my bench, a 1/72 Hasegawa Mi-24 Hind A finished in Ethiopian Air Force markings.
The Mi-24 got its first taste of combat with the ETAF during the Ogaden War of 1977-78 between Ethiopia and Somalia. The kit was built out-of-box, with the particle separators being the only extra added (from a 1/72 Monogram snap tite Mi-24 Hind-D). An ARC member was generous and sent me the ETAF roundels, which made this project possible. The finish is a mixture of Humbrol and Model Master enamels.
The paint scheme was applied freehand with an Aztek A470 airbrush, with the general purpose nozzle. After applying the base colors, I added white to each color to add highlights as well as to fade the colors a bit. A final touch was using the dot filter technique to add more subtly and variation to the finish (worked like a charm I must say!).
After the flat coat, pastels were used for the exhaust staining.
The Hasegawa kit went together without too much fuss, and the markings make for a unique build.