I usually build models of the rip-snorting muscle cars of the
‘60s and ‘70s, but every now and then it’s fun to do something a
little tamer, just for a change of pace.
This is AMT’s 1/25 scale ‘66 Mustang Coupe, which has just been
reissued yet again. It is built completely out of the box. I did
scribe in the panel lines for the front and rear fender caps, which
adds a lot to the realism of this model.
Paint is Model Master Kiln Red Metallic over a primer of MM
FS30219 Dark Tan (Vietnam-era airplane camo color). The Kiln Red
does a very passable job of representing 1966 Ford Emberglow. The
color coat was clear coated with Model Master Clear Top Coat and
rubbed out with Wright’s Silver Creme, a mildly abrasive silverware

Interior and chassis are painted Model Master Black Chrome Trim, a
great semigloss black. The engine is, of course, Model Master Ford
Engine Blue. All chrome trim is Model Master Silver Chrome Trim. I
especially enjoyed detailing the kit’s distinctive ‘66 Mustang wheel
covers using Flat Aluminum and Gunship Gray paints.
I’m always amazed at the attention this model draws, even on a
table full of contest-quality, fully detailed cars. I’ve lost count
of the times I’ve heard some variation of “Hey, I/my Dad/my Mom/my
uncle/my neighbor/my high school buddy/my old boyfriend/my old
girlfriend had one just like that!”

Model on!