Here is a Croatian me 109 I built about a year ago as a gift for
a friend.
It is Hasegawa's 1/48 scale Messerschmitt Bf 109G-10.

The 109 experts will no doubt spot an error or two but
nonetheless I was very pleased with it when it was complete,
especially with the cockpit.
I say it is a 109 G-10(ish) as this particular model had the
smaller wheel bulges (or so I am told), so I used the spares from a
kit of a mate.

Painting and Markings
I painted the model using Poly Scale Acrylics.
The wash is Winsor & Newtons peat brown ink and the chipping was
done using my trusty HB pencil.

The decals were also a donation from Carmel Zammit, and come from
a older Aeromaster sheet.
As I mentioned before I was pleased with this model, as I enjoyed
building it and it is a different scheme to those you normally see.
Even if it did make Garry cringe when he saw it in non-Luftwaffe