Recently, I have been experimenting with some new photo
techniques for shooting models finished in NMF or silver paint. I've
never been happy with my results in the past and I think I still
need to refine certain aspects of my current set-up. Nevertheless,
some of my recent efforts using some new imaging and processing
software turned out halfway presentable and I thought I'd share a
few of the better shots.

Most of these models are several years old (hell, decades!) as can
be plainly seen by the "brown out" visible on several decals and the
slight yellowing of the white-painted details.
This Starfighter got most of the same treatment as my Hun save
for the landing gear, which was detailed with bits of nickel-silver
wire and some brass model railroad eye-bolts.
I replaced the kit afterburner pieces with a tailpipe from
Monogram's F-4C kit and added a few bits here and there to the
cockpit (this model was built in the "dark ages", before Black Box).

The Scalemaster decals came from the Testors F-104 kit and like the
F-100, I used Bare Metal foil on the rear fuselage.
A full report on this model is
archived at Modeling Madness