This is my 1/48 scale Italeri (ex-ESCI) F-4E Phantom II.
Several parts were take from set F-4 Hasegawa - cockpit, ejection
seats, canopy, rockets, exhaust nozzles, nose wheels and nose doors.
In process of the building I have also corrected the form and
slopping nose part, made several new panel lines and drill rivets.
Some detail were added In well wheels also. Many parts were subject
to to alteration.

paint I used enamel Testors/Model Masterand Xtracolor, in which
added some other colour that they were not such bright.
Markings for JV 67-0290 "Super Spook" were taken from Aeromaster
"Korat Phantom's", stencils from Eagle Strike.
On this plane in this time flew Lt. Bill Coppick and Lt. Bill
Burns, name these pilot are given on canopy. For highlighting panel
lines I used the watercolors. Finally, the model is covered flat
coat. For imitation scratches of the paint I used pen with silver
paste. In this model I itself has made air inlets.

weapons I used the typical loadouts of that period 6 bombs mk. 82
with fuse extenders and 6 usual bombs mk.82. Besides, on front nodes
I used container ALQ-87 and strike camera KB-18 from set Monogram