Here is Tamiya's 1/72 scale Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9 by Glen Porter.
The model had a few additions and modifications. In the cockpit,
Glen added Eduard's photo-etched colour harness. He was particularly
impressed with the effect of this product straight from the
photo-etched fret.
Individual cowl flaps were cut from plastic
sheet and positioned in the open position behind the forward cowl

The wheel
well interior was adapted from a Sword kit of the Fw 190A-1.
kit was otherwise built from the box.

Painting and Markings
This Fw 190D-9 was painted with Model Master enamels applied with
the Testor Aztek A430 airbrush. The colours are RLM 76 Light Blue
for the lower surfaces, with a camouflage pattern of RLM 75 Grey
Violet and RLM 83 Dark Green on the topsides. A mottle of RLM 81
Brown Violet can also be seen on the tail surfaces.
The kit instructions directed that the canopy frame should be
painted RLM 76 Light Blue, but Glen felt that references suggested
RLM 02 Grey was more likely.

When the paints had dried, an acrylic wash was added to the panel
Most of the decals were sourced from the kit, but the "Blue 1"
was scavenged from an EagleCals decal sheet.
A flat layer of Testor's Dullcote completed the painting job.

Glen's very attractive model won best in its class at the recent
NSW Scale Model and Competition Expo.