Testor's ScaleWorkshop is prepared and posted from a basement
office in my house, located in Sydney Australia. This office also
performs the functions of model workroom, library, photo studio and
model storage.
It is getting a little crowded in here!
Here are some photos of the main elements of the ScaleWorkshop

The Model Desk
As we walk into the office, my model desk is to the immediate
right hand side.
I use an old office desk with a return attached to the side as my
model workbench.

For more details about the workbench, see the Video

Spray Booth and Storage
The spray booth lives on top of the refrigerator (almost
exclusively filled with Coca Cola, by the way). The silent
compressor is right next to the spray booth. Further along the same
wall are drawers for storage of model accessories. The large set of
wooden drawers are from an old Pharmacy - perfect for this purpose.

More Storage and Office Equipment
The phone-fax is at the end of the line of drawers and next to my
computer desk. Cables are draped untidily from the ceiling for the
phone, computer and other services.

Computer Desk
Turning to our right, we see the computer desk. This is where I
spend a lot of my time. ScaleWorkshop and HyperScale are both
created and maintained at this desk.
The computer is a "grey" box, 1.8 Ghz Athlon machine with 17"
monitor. Scanner, printer and phones are all handy, but the
workspace is small and somewhat crowded.

Along the same wall, to the right of the computer desk, is
another tower of drawers and four 7' bookshelves housing my
reference collection. Most magazines are stored elsewhere but all my
books are here, close at hand.

Photo Studio
Make a right turn at the end of the bookshelves and we are at the
photo studio.
Okay, it is not really a photo studio, but it is the
dedicated space where I take all my indoor photos. I have an old,
small dining table as the base for photography. Two large
incandescent lights are permanently set up. One is a video light
with two 500 watt bulbs and an inbuilt curved reflector, and the
other is a single 500 watt "Barton light" shooting through a
translucent white umbrella. The combination of these lights provides
bright, even lighting for most photographic subjects.
Backgrounds and bases are stored conveniently under the table.

A hint of kit storage can be seen at the far right of this

Display Area
Coming back to the door again, there are two self-assembled
display cabinets with a selection of models. The television between
the cabinets is rarely turned on.
The camouflage-pattern filing cabinet and curtain at the door was
my wife's ironic input to the room!