This model is built strait from the box except for the figure and
radio antenna. No resin,and no PE. Just plastic, glue, paint and a
bit of wire.
Two other small modifications were made - rods placed in the spare
wheels, I think they were spare track pins; and Revell supplies
nothing behind the gun mantlet so a piece of the breach was made
from Ever-green angle and rod to step the mantlet away from the
fighting compartment.
Construction was first completed except for wheels, tracks and gun.
Wheels and tracks were painted on the sprue and mounted after the
hull was painted. As the hull was painted, areas such as axels,
where things had to be glued on later, were coated with Maskol.
Paints used were Model Master and Tamiya enamels with Dark Yellow
being sprayed first, followed by Red Brown and Olive Green done
free-hand with my Aztec air brush.

Tracks were sprayed with RAF Dark Earth then given a wash with
acrylic Black and dry-brushed with Flat Aluminium. After tracks and
wheels were fitted, the lower hull and suspension were given a dust
coat of Buff.
The whole model was then washed with acrylic Black but unfortunately
this caused the model to be darker than I had wished. I'm getting
used to my models not turning out as I had hoped.
All fine painting was now done such as tools and straps and the gun
and spare wheels were mounted. After several coats of acrylic Gloss,
the few kit decals were applied and the whole thing matted down with
Testor's Dullcoat.
The figure is from Preiser and was also painted with enamels.
This kit is a dream to put together with heaps of detail and no