Recently, I have been experimenting with some new photo
techniques for shooting models finished in NMF or silver paint. I've
never been happy with my results in the past and I think I still
need to refine certain aspects of my current set-up. Nevertheless,
some of my recent efforts using some new imaging and processing
software turned out halfway presentable and I thought I'd share a
few of the better shots.
Most of these models are several years old (hell, decades!) as can
be plainly seen by the "brown out" visible on several decals and the
slight yellowing of the white-painted details.
First, we will take a look at the 1/48 scale Hawk T-33A. This
model was finished using Spray 'N' Plate (now part of the Testor
Modelmaster line).

This T-33 was built as a Thunderbird aircraft, using the now-OOP
Superscale (nee Microscale) sheet. I installed a pair of Monogram
F-80 cockpits in the fuselage, mated front-to-back, then grafted the
F-80 main gear bays and speedbrake wells to the Hawk kit's lower
wing. Likewise, I used the F-80 nose gear well and separate flaps.
The Hawk kit also lacks many smaller details like a pitot tube,
exterior lights, and a fuel dump vent. These were added then the
model was rescribed.