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The Thing
Andrew Judson



Marvel Comics 48652

Every now and then I like to give myself a break from military modeling and seek out an unusual subject.

I am lucky enough to work in a hobby shop, and I will sometimes see a model that strikes a chord from childhood. Recently, 'The Thing' came into the shop. As a kid, I loved Fantastic Four cartoons and comics and The Thing was my favourite character.


The kit was very basic. It was originally designed as a “snap-fit” model with moveable limbs. I chose to finish mine in a fixed pose by applying Liquid styrene cement and filling the inevitable gaps with Gunze putty.

Once the parts had set I sprayed the figure in a base coat of brick red with my Aztek A470 airbrush.

I then added a black wash between the ‘rocks’, and began drybrushing in different earthy tones – reds and oranges.

This was left to dry for 24 hours, then I painted facial detail and those lovely blue pants. No wonder he is so angry!


The base is scratchbuilt from DAS Terra Cotta modelling clay, Firestorm Bricks, balsa wood and crushed up housebricks to depict the ruins of a building that he has demolished.

I had a lot of fun building and painting this figure. Now I am eyeing off The Hulk as my next project!

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Photographs and Text Copyright © 2003 by Andrew Judson and Testor Corporation