Here are some shots of my recently completed Classic Airframes
1/48 scale Vampire Export Version kit, finished in probably one of
the most unique schemes I've seen.
This build required me to replace the kit nose with the newer
enlarged resin nose. The kit includes in addition to the resin nose,
a new resin cockpit and ejection seat to represent the changes the
Swiss made to the plane over time. Replacing the nose was easy
surgery that has the builder cutting along the angled kit panel line
ahead of the windscreen. A little feathering in to flush the
surfaces together with a flex file was all that was required to get
a good fit. There is also included a new resin lower nose gear/gun
shoots section included.
The rest of the build goes the same as earlier examples of the
kit. I wont bore you with those details. However I will tell you
that I replaced the intake vanes with Evergreen flat stock cut to
fit into each intake. I further replaced the pitot tube with a
better molded one from my spares box.

The model was painted using Floquil Old Silver,Flat Black, with
Model Master International Orange FS12197 used for the striking
stripes. Is the International Orange correct for this? I don't know.
But it fit the bill when compared to actual photographs taken by
"someone in the know" who asked me not to share. ;-)
But believe me, the Dayglo Red fades to dull orange in time.
One final word about this kit. The ejection seat with its molded
in belts is one of the best I've seen from Classic Airframes